(Written by Selina Garcia)
I have been wanting to share something close to my heart that took place during my pregnancy with Raeanne.
In July of 2019, I had a terrible dream that I miscarried our sweet baby girl. I understand that many mothers have similar fears, thoughts and dreams when they are pregnant, but this dream was much different. I have had my fair share of motherly fear and anxiety that surely is normal to pregnant mothers, and as the faithful Christian woman I was raised to be I have always given those emotions over to our Lord. I know that He is in control and He has always been faithful in giving me peace and comfort when these emotions begin to show themselves.
There was something different about this dream. For me, it wasn't normal for me to dream this vividly and have to deal with these overwhelming emotions when I woke up, emotions that ended up lasting for days. God knows that I began praying over baby Raeanne with such passion,...
I’ll be honest, I haven’t always got this one right. It took me a few years to structure my life in a way that would help me…
1. Love God more
2. Love my wife better
3. Lead my kids intentionally
4. Take care of my body and mind better
5. Grow and scale my businesses faster
6. Serve my community with greater impact
7. Give my time and money more consistently
8. Just simply lead an all around better life.
Through years of trial and error, trying to balance so many aspects of life and making mistakes along the way, I realized that it is possible to achieve both balance and impact.
There were 3 key realizations I had that helped me make significant strides towards this (although at times I still fail).
The more I tried to please others, the more I said “yes” to things that truly didn’t align with what I needed to do and who I needed to be. Therefore, saying “yes” to those things practically derailed any type of progress I could...
I had a typical goal last year. I wanted to read more... a lot more! I wanted 2017 to be a huge boost in my self development journey, so I did what many people do and headed to Barnes and Nobles Bookstore to look at some books that I could read throughout the year. I pulled out my iPhone, made a new note in my Evernote app entitled "Books to Read in 2017" and started making a list of the books that peaked my interest. My goal was to choose 12 books in the bookstore so that I could read one book per month. I gazed through the many book titles by highly acclaimed authors, I couldn't help but continue to build my list.
My list kept getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Finally, I stepped away and found a table nearby and started to go through my long list of books. I was shocked to find that my book tally was well over one hundred! I reminded myself that I could only choose 12 books from the list, and then did that math and figured that at this rate it would take almost 10 years to...
The "UGHHH... It's Monday..." attitude is one that plagued me for years of my life. Maybe you have been there, living for the weekend and dreading weekdays. Depending on our circumstances and our season in life, it's almost inevitable that we wake up feeling exhausted, worn out, and wishing we had a three (or maybe 4) day weekend at some point. Unfortunately, those who are "stuck" here consistently may suffer from a discontentment in some area of their lives. Maybe it's the reality that you are waking up to go to a job that you hate, and it's sucking the life right out of you. For everyone who has been here, you know that you need a change. Some of those changes might be hard, uncomfortable, and even risky... but regardless of the change, you know it's needed.
Let me present you with a simple change that anyone can make, and it may just impact the rest of your life.
You see, I'm convinced there are two types of people in this world.
(1) The "IT'S MONDAYYYYY" people. And the...
I recently wrote a blog on How To Turn Your Resolutions Into SMARTER Goals to show the clear distinction between making a counterproductive resolutions, setting generic goals, and setting SMARTER goals. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with resolutions or goal setting, but I do have a problem with goal setting that has an extreme lack of details, planning, and accountability. A New Year's resolution, to me, is a baby step in the right direction of goal setting, but they aren't equal. Even goal setting is decent on it's own, but there is something that is much more effective! If everyone did this, it would be an absolute KILLER for New Year's Resolutions. People would have much more clarity in their lives, they would live every single day with more intention, and they would absolutely crush their goals. More dreams would be achieved, more small businesses would thrive, and six-pack abs would be more common among top-performing professionals (that's not a...
You want to be a leader and not a follower. You long for more meaning in your life and for more experiences that will launch you into leadership roles. When you wake up everyday, you want to feel accomplished and feel that you are making a huge difference in the world. Many millennials just like you were born to lead, to create opportunities, and to inspire positive change. There are countless ways to make this possible, but what leads you to action? Where is your value found? And more importantly, what will you contribute to this world? Leaders are not simply born to lead, but developed over a period of time with clear and actionable direction. You may not find this direction immediately, as it may lead to many hours, days and months of digging deep into your soul to extract the purpose and direction for your life. Your journey may end up being a roller coaster filled with many twists and turns, but those who establish a clear direction will go much...
One of the biggest psychological barriers that plagues hundreds of millions of people around the world is known as doubt. Doubt keeps many people easily contained in their own small box. It paralyzes innovation, destroys opportunities, and demolishes would-be entrepreneurs. Learning how to overcome doubt may be the single biggest difference that one can make in their lives. Mastering this one issue can open a new horizon of opportunities for you because of the effect that it has on so many areas of life. Doubt creeps into our lives even when we don't realize it. We may be a naturally-confident person, but as you evaluate yourself and your level of accomplishment, you may see areas where you have held back. Whether it's starting your own business, pitching the CEO, or talking to that attractive woman/man, doubt sometimes manifests itself in a form that many of us may not even realize. You may not feel the doubt because you go through the same series of thought...
Performance is not always measured in how smart you are. It's also measured on how well you communicate, how well you nurture relationships, and how well you respond to certain situations. In other words, performance is measured more by your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) than your Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Let me tell you how your EQ will help you outperform the smartest of your peers. How many times do you truly reflect on yourself? And I mean really digging deep to find out what makes you TICK. How often do you recognize the emotions of others, and what makes THEM tick?
EQ is half about understanding you and half about understanding others. Here are the four parts of EQ: -Self-Awareness (YOU) -Self-Management (YOU) -Social Awareness (OTHERS) -Relationship Management (OTHERS)
Saving 10 hours a week is gaining 10 hours a week. If you enjoy spending more time on projects and getting less accomplished, this post isn't for you. This is for those who wish there were more hours in the day and can really use an extra 260 hours (or 10.83 days) per year. These productivity hacks are something that I use on a daily basis, and it has proven to help me use my time more effectively.
Every night, I make a checklist of things that I need to accomplish the next day. It really helps me focus on the things that are high priority objectives. You can use a pen and pad, or an app that allows you to view and edit your daily objectives. If you are consistent and list them all then you will be surprised how quickly you can move from one thing to the next. How many things do you think you can accomplish when absolute focus is applied to your life? Focusing on your daily objectives will lead to a huge boost in productivity.
I have come to realize that three things have really contributed to my goal of progressing myself as a person and businessman. These three things have changed my life. If you haven't done these, you are already behind.
“What a different story men would have to tell if only they would adopt a definite purpose, and stand by that purpose until it had time to become an all-consuming obsession.” -Napoleon Hill I clip news articles, read biographies, and watch documentaries on the lives of successful entrepreneurs. What I try to decipher from their individual stories is a common pattern for achievement. What did these people do differently? Were they smarter or better educated? Did they come from high-achieving families? Were they exceptionally gifted or hardworking? The primary characteristic I’ve found in the lives of high achievers is that they had a strong drive to succeed. They had a compelling, personal reason to achieve. It’s what I...
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